Degree in Economics in 1980 began studying painting. 

Since 1986 practicing watercolor technique with various teachers, Angel Galan and Julio Quesada, Rafael Requena, Justo San Felices, Pedro Cano Martinez Lozano and other large watercolor artists. 

Dedicated primarily to watercolor technique she has numerous solo and group exhibitions. He has participated in watercolor symposium throughout Spain and in countries like Belgium, France, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Portugal, Morocco and Mexico. Member of the Spanish Association of watercolors (AEDA), the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors, of the Association of Basque watercolors, Group Baleares, Acuarelistas Murcianos, the Andalusian Association among others, plays an intense teaching Aquarelle his workshop in Madrid and in various courses nationwide. 

Her work has been acquired by various institutions and has won numerous awards throughout her career.
